Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraine Treatment

Specialist treatment and care from highly qualified physiotherapists


How we can help you?

Headache and Migraine sufferers know how debilitating life can be when you have an attack of the symptoms.   

These conditions are not understood very well and there can be conflicting evidence about their onset, treatment and management. 

Often patients have had lots of scans and tests done, with the results reported as normal.

So why come for treatment at St Paul’s Physio?

Arti Shah our resident physiotherapist provides treatment for headaches and migraines. Her aims are to identify if there is any involvement of the upper cervical segment nerves (the upper neck). 

The treatment method used is called the Watson Headache Approach. 

Arti, has completed Level II of this Approach, learning directly from Dr Watson.

She is passionate about helping those individuals suffering with this debilitating condition.

Who is the treatment for:


  • Anyone who suffers with migraines.
  • If all the investigations have been negative.
  • Regular headaches starting in the neck travelling into the head, eye pain or facial pain.
  • Dizziness / vertigo with the headache or migraine.
  • The treatment involves reproduction of the symptoms mainly the head pain which than resolves following using sustained techniques.


     The Technical Jargon

The Watson Headache Treatment Explained

 The Watson Headache technique has been developed by Dr Dean Watson, Consultant Physiotherapist.

Dean’s observation over 1000s of clinical hours led him to be the founder of the Watson approach. The approach identifies the role of the neck in managing headache and migraine. This approach not only looks at cervicogenic headaches but other primary headaches. It is known in literature that there is a ‘sensitised brainstem’(Watson DH and Drummond PD, 2014;54;1035-1045) in individuals that suffer from Headaches and Migraines. With the Watson approach, see below, the techniques DE-sensitises the sensitised brainstem. The underlying disorder being a sensitised brainstem in headache and Migraneurs.


The Watson Approach explained.


  1. Systematic and clinically reasoned assessment of the upper 3 cervical segments and their nerves in their role in producing not only headache or migraine but other symptoms for example dizziness, nausea, eye pain, nasal congestion.
  2. The approach uses series of techniques, used methodically, can accurately identify the relevant segments responsible for headache or migraine
  3. Further accuracy is gained, when there is a reproduction of the symptoms, usually the headpain, and there is a reduction in symptoms whilst the technique is sustained.
  4. There is no manipulation, clicking or cracking of the neck involved.


 Following the assessment:


As an Individual, who suffers with migraine and headaches you will know whether the neck is a source of your symptoms.




As a clinician Arti, will be able to use a specific sequence of manual techniques, which are underpinned by clinical reasoning to manage the specific disorder in the neck which maybe the cause of the headache and migraine.


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